Thursday 15 May 2014

Good luck

Just a final word to say good luck to everyone for the exam tomorrow. 

Final (unless I see you beforehand) words of advice: Stay calm, take the time to PLAN EVERYTHING, then write like buggery; timings on this exam are the biggest issue.

If you're doing last minute revision, I suggest planning questions (even if you make them up) without looking at the texts. If you can plan your answer to something, know which texts to select for what question, and know some relevant quotes of the top of your head (even if you only remember the general gist, and the whereabouts in the text), without having to look, then that's proof enough that you know what you're doing.

Cheers to everyone who's helped me out. If anyone needs me, feel free to tweet me or email me (my school email is 13zadurianm), and I'll be in the memorial garden from 8:00am before the exam. But if I don't see people beforehand; best of luck, I'm sure we'll all be fine, and even if it all goes tits-up and we get piss-awful questions, it's only an exam and we can have a right laugh about it afterwards.

Good luck everyone

That which we are, we are
One equal temper of heroic hearts
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

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